publication venue for
- A Numerical Study of Slug Tests in a Three‐Dimensional Heterogeneous Porous Aquifer Considering Well Inertial Effects. 56. 2020
- Nonequilibrium water dynamics in the rhizosphere: How mucilage affects water flow in soils. 50:6479-6495. 2014
- Groundwater age distributions at a public drinking water supply well field derived from multiple age tracers (85Kr,3H/3He, and39Ar). 49:7778-7796. 2013
- Analysis of long-term dispersion in a river-recharged aquifer using tritium/helium data. 45. 2009
- Algorithmic funnel-and-gate system design optimization. 43. 2007
- Uncertainty and data worth analysis for the hydraulic design of funnel-and-gate systems in heterogeneous aquifers. 40. 2004