publication venue for
- Thermotronics: Towards Nanocircuits to Manage Radiative Heat Flux. 72:151-162. 2016
- The Microwave Spectra of m-Xylene and m-Xylene-d10. Determination of the Low Methyl Internal Rotation Barrier. 56:635-640. 2001
- The Microwave Spectrum of trans-2,3-Dimethyloxirane in Torsional Excited States. 51:923-932. 1996
- Analysis of Torsion in a Three-Top Molecule. Torsional Barrier and Moment of Inertia of Trimethyl Ethynyl Germane. 51:299-305. 1996
- 14N Quadrupole Relaxation of DMF and DMF-d7 in DMSO at Infinite Dilution. 49:1016-1018. 1994
- The Microwave Spectrum of 2,6-Lutidine, Analysis of Internal Rotation and 14 N Hyperfine Structure. 48:1093-1101. 1993
- The Rotational Spectrum of 2,2-Dimethyloxirane. 47:1063-1066. 1992
- The Molecular 0-Tensor, the Magnetic Susceptibility Anisotropy, and the Molecular Electric Quadrupole Moment Tensor of Monofluoroacetonitrile, a Rotational Zeeman Effect Study. 46:1049-1054. 1991
- The Microwave Spectrum of 4-Methylisothiazole. 46:635-638. 1991
- The Microwave Rotational Spectra of l-Bromo-2,2- Difluoroethylene and the Bromine Nuclear Quadrupole Coupling Tensor. 46:513-526. 1991
- The Microwave Spectrum of 15N-Difluoroacetonitrile: Electric Dipole Moment and Partial r0-Structure. 46:535-539. 1991
- The Ground State Microwave Spectrum of 2-Fluoropropane. 43:138-142. 1988
- The Microwave Spectrum of 4-Methylisoxazole: 14N Nuclear Quadrupole Coupling, Methyl Internal Rotation and Electric Dipole Moment. 42:501-506. 1987
- Investigation of the 14N Quadrupole Hyperfine Structure and the Stark Effect of Methyl Isocyanate and Methyl Isothiocyanate by Microwave Fourier Transform Spectroscopy. 41:637-640. 1986
- Determination of a High Barrier Hindering Internal Rotation from the Ground State Spectrum. The Methylbarrier of Propane. 40:271-273. 1985
- Microwave Rotational Spectra of 2-Bromofurane and 3-Bromofurane and Bromine Nuclear Quadrupole Coupling Tensors. 36:886-898. 1981
- Microwave Spectrum and Barrier to Internal RotationinCH3COC15N. 32:761-764. 1977
- Evidence of Tilt of the Methyl Top Axis in the r,-structure of Dimethyl Selenide. 32:482-484. 1977
- Microwave Spectrum of hexa-Deutero Dimethyl Selenide in the Ground and Excited Torsional States. 31:357-361. 1976
- Microwave Spectrum and Dipole Moment of Methylenecyclobutenone. 29:1498-1500. 1974
- Molecular Structure, Quadrupole Coupling Tensor and Dipole Moment of Ethyl Cyanide. 29:1345-1355. 1974
- Zur exakten Behandlung von kollektiven Rotational Teil B: Anwendungen / On the Exact Treatment of Collective Rotations. Part B: Applications. 28:1500-1515. 1973
- Zur exakten Behandlung von kollektiven Rotationen Teil A: Theorie / On the Exact Treatment of Collective Rotations Part A: Theory. 28:206-215. 1973
- Microwave Spectrum and Dipole Moment of Dimethylnitrosamine. 27:1329-1330. 1972
- Microwave Spectrum, Dipole Moment and Quadrupole Coupling Constants of Orthofluoropyridine. 26:1342-1345. 1971
- Das Protonenresonanzspektrum des Phosphorwasserstoffs in einem nematischen Lösungsmittel. 25:650-652. 1970
- Das effektive Trägheitsmoment im quantenmechanischen Dreikörperproblem. 25:317-321. 1970
- Zur rotatorischen Bewegung eines Systems von n Massenpunkten. I. 23:1419-1430. 1968
- Torsionsfeinstruktur im Rotationsspektrum des Dimethylsulfids und internes Hinderungspotential. 17:712-732. 1962
- Zur Theorie der Kernrotationen II. 16:1077-1082. 1961
- Zur Theorie der Kernrotationen III. 16:1083-1089. 1961
- Trägheitsmomente nach Inglis und das Bohr-van-Leeuwensche Theorem. 15:371-377. 1960