publication venue for
- LEMMA2Jolie: A tool to generate microservice APIs from domain models. 228:102956-102956. 2023
- An architecture for modular grading and feedback generation for complex exercises. 129:35-47. 2016
- Employing early model-based safety evaluation to iteratively derive E/E architecture design. 90:161-179. 2014
- Automated UI evaluation based on a cognitive architecture and UsiXML. 86:43-57. 2014
- A type-centric framework for specifying heterogeneous, large-scale, component-oriented, architectures. 75:615-637. 2010
- Designing runtime variation points in product line architectures: three cases. 53:353-380. 2004
- Laura — a service-based coordination language. 31:359-381. 1998