narrower concept SI-unit Concept advance calculation Concept architectural criticism Concept architectural development Concept architectural theory Concept behaviour research Concept behavioural theory Concept building history Concept building physics Concept climatology Concept construction materials science Concept damage analysis Concept data Concept decision collection Concept decision model Concept decision theory Concept demography Concept design basis Concept design theory Concept diagnosis Concept empirical social science Concept ergonomics Concept evaluation model Concept evaluation system Concept experience Concept experiment Concept expertise Concept geography Concept geology Concept geophysics Concept investigation Concept location theory Concept mathematics Concept mechanics Concept meteorology Concept method Concept model investigation Concept natural science Concept operational analysis Concept planning criticism Concept planning method Concept planning theory Concept preferred size Concept psychology Concept regional analysis Concept regional science Concept research contract Concept research documentation Concept research project Concept research report Concept research work Concept room acoustics Concept safety theory Concept simulation Concept social science Concept special planning Concept state of research Concept state of the art Concept strength theory Concept structural design Concept system comparison Concept