broader concept building failure Concept building physics Concept building physics/building chemistry Concept climate Concept
narrower concept Nichtdrueckendes Wasser Concept absorption Concept acid rain Concept air dehumification Concept air humidification Concept air humidity Concept bubbling Concept cavitation Concept climatic improvement Concept climatic influence Concept condensation Concept condensation formation Concept condensation water formation Concept conductivity Concept contraction Concept convection Concept cycle Concept dew point Concept diffusion Concept driving rain Concept electro osmosis Concept erosion Concept evaporation Concept fire fighting water Concept flood Concept flood damage Concept freezing and thawing cycle Concept freshet Concept frost Concept frost action Concept frost damage Concept ground-water Concept heat of hydration Concept high-pressure water Concept humidification Concept humidity protection Concept hydration Concept hydrogen Concept ice Concept ice formation Concept irrigation Concept moisture absorption Concept moisture content Concept moisture content of wood Concept moisture damage Concept moisture distribution Concept moisture effect Concept moisture movement Concept open-air weathering Concept penetration Concept permafrost Concept pore (water) pressure Concept pore water Concept precipitation Concept protection against the weather Concept rain Concept rain penetration Concept rainwater Concept river water Concept saturation degree Concept sea water Concept sea-water Concept seepage flow Concept seepage water Concept snow Concept sorption Concept steam Concept steam curing Concept storm tide Concept structure waterproofing Concept surface water Concept swelling Concept swelling size Concept swelling test Concept water absorption Concept water content Concept water damage Concept water of condensation Concept water permeability Concept water pressure Concept water saturation Concept water storage Concept water use Concept water vapour Concept water vapour condensation Concept water vapour diffusion Concept watercourse Concept