narrower concept air Concept air temperature Concept climatic improvement Concept climatic influence Concept cold Concept cold bridge Concept cooling Concept duration of sunshine Concept erosion Concept frost action Concept frost heave Concept frost protection Concept frost resistance Concept frost resistance Concept frost steadiness Concept heat damage Concept heat dissipation Concept heat distribution Concept heat emission Concept heat exchange Concept heat load Concept heat loading Concept heating Concept human comfort Concept ice Concept ice formation Concept k-value Concept low temperature Concept outside air Concept outside temperature Concept permafrost Concept protection against the weather Concept radiation heat Concept room air temperature Concept room temperature Concept solar heat Concept subjection to temperature change Concept surface temperature Concept temperature dependence Concept temperature development Concept temperature difference Concept temperature field Concept temperature gradient Concept temperature influence Concept temperature resistance Concept test temperature Concept thermal conductivity Concept thermal conductivity (coefficient) Concept thermal effects Concept thermal insulation (enhanced) Concept thermal insulation value Concept thermal property Concept thermal radiation Concept ventilation heat loss Concept warming Concept weather resistance Concept