narrower concept axle load Concept bending moment Concept berthing impact Concept buckling load(bar) Concept collapse Concept column settlement Concept compression Concept compressive force Concept compressive load Concept critical load Concept cyclic loading Concept deflection Concept dynamic loading Concept explosion Concept external loading Concept horizontal loading Concept impact Concept lateral buckling load Concept live load Concept load per unit area Concept loadability Concept loading period Concept loading rate Concept longitudinal load Concept moment Concept moment loading Concept point bearing Concept pressure Concept pressure of concrete on formwork Concept pressure of impounded water Concept pressure wave Concept rated pressure Concept shear deformation Concept shear force Concept shock loading Concept single load Concept soil deformation Concept tensile force Concept test pressure Concept torque Concept transportation Concept transverse compression Concept transverse load Concept ultimate force Concept vertical load Concept wave pressure Concept wheel load Concept wind load Concept wind pressure Concept wind suction Concept