broader concept building code law Concept housing law Concept industrial law Concept land law Concept law of contract Concept law relating to self-employed persons Concept planning law Concept
narrower concept Makler- und bauträgerverordnung Concept VOB(German contracting rules) Concept administration law Concept administration regulation Concept agb-law Concept bankruptcy law Concept basic right Concept broker law Concept builder's regulations Concept building inspection regulations Concept building right Concept circular Concept civil law Concept code of civil procedure Concept consolidation of farmland law Concept constitution Concept construction price law Concept construction price regulations Concept contracting regulation Concept copyright law Concept decree Concept development contribution law Concept development law Concept draft bill Concept employment creation legislation Concept evaluation regulation Concept federal building law Concept federal control of pollution law Concept federal law Concept federal nature conservation law Concept federal social assistance law Concept federal state law Concept federal trunk road law Concept garage regulation Concept heating operation regulation Concept heating system regulation Concept implementing guidelines Concept implementing provisions Concept implementing regulation Concept industrial code Concept instruction Concept law protecting working mothers Concept legal norm Concept legal provision Concept legal regulation Concept legal settlement Concept legal text Concept legal uncertainty Concept liability law Concept licensing regulation Concept modernization law Concept monument protection law Concept neighbour law Concept patent Concept patent law Concept procedure law Concept procedure regulation Concept promotional guideline Concept property protection Concept regulation Concept scale of fees Concept statute book Concept trade law Concept training programme Concept working time regulations Concept works constitution act Concept