narrower concept asbestos Concept bentonite Concept bentonite suspension Concept blastfurnace cement Concept bulk material Concept cement Concept cement type Concept chipping Concept clay Concept concrete Concept concrete at early age Concept dry-batched aggregate Concept eisen portland cement Concept expanded clay Concept fine sand Concept fineness of grinding Concept flowing concrete Concept fresh concrete Concept fresh concrete Concept gravel Concept gravelly sand Concept gypsum Concept hardened concrete Concept in-situ concrete Concept lightweight concrete Concept lime Concept lime hydrate Concept loam Concept magnesit Concept mass concrete Concept mass of rock Concept maximum particle size Concept mineral material Concept normal concrete Concept portland cement Concept pumice Concept rapid setting cement Concept road-metal Concept rock Concept rubble Concept sand Concept sedimentary rock Concept silt Concept soil Concept soil substance Concept spun concrete Concept structural lightweight concrete Concept trass Concept trass cement Concept