Blog Posting RDF
pages:- VisBERT: Hidden-State Visualizations for Transformers
- Visual Explanation by High-Level Abduction: On Answer-Set Programming Driven Reasoning about Moving Objects
- Walkability in Digital Era: A ‘Futures Study’ in Tehran
- Water as hazard and water as heritage: Report of the European Geosciences Union Topical Event in Rome, 13.-14. June 2016
- Web quantlets for time series analysis
- WeNet: Weighted Networks for Recurrent Network Architecture Search
- Who Bears the Burden of Real Estate Transfer Taxes? Evidence from the German Housing Market
- Why robots should be technical: Correcting mental models through technical architecture concepts.
- Wooden rockfall barrier assessment and impact analysis
- World-GAN: a Generative Model for Minecraft Worlds
- X-ray microtomography analysis of soil structure deformation caused by centrifugation
- XQS/MD*Crypt as a means of education and computation
- xWEI – A novel cross-scale index for extreme precipitation events
- YAPS -- Your Open Examination System for Activating and emPowering Students
- Yformer: U-Net Inspired Transformer Architecture for Far Horizon Time Series Forecasting.
- You Only Watch Once: A Unified CNN Architecture for Real-Time Spatiotemporal Action Localization
- Yxilon: Designing The Next Generation, Vertically Integrable Statistical Software Environment