Conference Paper RDF
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- Capturing mental models to meet users expectations
- Capturing the essentials of federated systems
- CarCoach: a generalized layered architecture for educational car systems
- Care-O-bot/sup TM/: the concept of a system for assisting elderly or disabled persons in home environments
- CargoCap-Transportation of Goods through Underground Pipelines: Research Project in Germany
- Caring for Agents and Agents that Care: Building Empathic Relations with Synthetic Agents
- CARLA - a CORBA-based ARchitecture for Lightweight Agents
- CARMEN: Delivering carrier grade services over wireless mesh networks
- Cascaded in-line optical amplifiers in multichannel coherent optical transmission
- Cascaded SMA-Film Based Elastocaloric Cooling
- Case Studies in IoT - Smart-Home Solutions : Pedagogical Perspective with Industrial Applications and some latest Developments
- Case Study of ICT Architectures for a Context-Aware System in Smart Energy Domain
- Case Study on Design and Evaluation of a Multi-Soft-Core Processor
- Case Study on Utilizing Mobile Applications in Industrial Field Service
- Case Study: Kazakhstan's First Application of Inflow Control Devices ICDs for Horizontal Wells
- CASPA: A Platform for Comparability of Architecture-Based Software Performance Engineering Approaches
- Catching the User - User Context through Live Logging in DAFFODIL.
- Categories of Enterprise Architecting Issues – An Empirical Investigation based on Expert Interviews
- Cellular DBMS — Architecture for biologically-inspired customizable autonomous DBMS
- Cement Designs for High-Rate Acid Gas Injection Wells
- Centralized vs. distributed: On the placement of gateway functionality in 5G cellular networks
- CHAD - Constraint Handling Architecture for Dialogue Management.
- Challenge of conserving resources - Concepts for the Construction of medium span Bridges with a Service Life of 200 Years
- Challenges and Current Results of the TWISNet FP7 Project - (Extended Abstract).
- Challenges and Peculiarities of Attack Detection in Virtual Power Plants : Towards an Advanced Persistent Threat Detection System
- Challenges for CAD in computer development in the 1990s
- Challenges for tower structures of modern wind turbines
- Challenges in Documenting Microservice-Based IT Landscape: A Survey from an Enterprise Architecture Management Perspective
- Challenges in modeling cyber-physical systems
- Challenges in operating-systems reengineering for many cores